Objective: To evaluate the mental health of female doctors and nurses. Methods: Investigat the psychologic status of female doctors and nurses using symptom checklist 90. And statistical software was applied to analyze results of symptom checklist 90. Results: There were differences in the score of SCL-90 between doctor and nurse groups, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) . Negative life events (OR=2.940) , relative suffer from mental illness (OR=3.683) , shift work (OR=1.611) and heavy workload (OR=2.265) were found to risk factors for the positive of SCL-90. Conclusion: There were differences in the score of SCL-90 between doctor and nurse groups. Negative life events, relative suffer from mental illness, shift workand heavy workload are risk factors for SCL-90 positive of female doctors and nurses.
目的: 比较女性医生和护士心理健康状况,了解女性医护人员的心理状况特点,探索影响因素。 方法: 于2016年7月至9月,采用横断面调查研究方法,选择北京市通州区和怀柔区的部分医院所有女性在职医生和护士共1 578人,并采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)进行心理健康状况调查分析。 结果: 医生SCL-90量表总分中位数为109分,阳性项目数中位数为16项;护士SCL-90总分中位数为120分,阳性项目数中位数为24项。医生和护士的SCL-90总分、阳性项目数、阳性项目均值、10个因子的中位数和10个因子阳性率都存在差异,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。医生因子阳性率最高的前3位依次是强迫症状、抑郁和躯体化因子,护士为强迫症状、敌对和躯体化因子。多因素分析结果为近3个月遭遇负向生活事件(OR=2.940,95%CI:2.279~3.792)、亲属患心理疾患(OR=3.683,95%CI:2.251~6.025)、轮班作业(OR=1.611,95%CI: 1.295~2.005)和工作负荷大(OR=2.265,95%CI: 1.793~2.860)为医护人员SCL-90问卷阳性的危险因素。 结论: 该次调查女性医生和护士的心理健康状况存在差异,护士的心理健康状况相对医生较差,近3个月遭遇负向生活事件、亲属患心理疾患、轮班作业和工作负荷大是医护人员SCL-90阳性的危险因素。.
Keywords: Doctors; Influence factor; Nurses; Symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90).