Best Practices in Fragile X Syndrome Treatment Development

Brain Sci. 2018 Dec 15;8(12):224. doi: 10.3390/brainsci8120224.


Preclinical studies using animal models of fragile X syndrome have yielded several agents that rescue a wide variety of phenotypes. However, translation of these treatments to humans with the disorder has not yet been successful, shedding light on a variety of limitations with both animal models and human trial design. As members of the Clinical Trials Committee of the National Fragile X Foundation, we have discussed a variety of recommendations at the level of preclinical development, transition from preclinical to human projects, family involvement, and multi-site trial planning. Our recommendations are made with the vision that effective new treatment will lie at the intersection of innovation, rigorous and reproducible research, and stakeholder involvement.

Keywords: best practices; clinical trials; fragile X syndrome; treatment development.