Efim Anatolyevich Dyskin - the hero of the Defence of Moscow (To the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow 1941-1942). Efim Dyskin - one of the first artilleryman, who awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for a feat accomplished in the Battle of Moscow. After the war he finished the Military Medical Academy and later became a prominent domestic scientist - anatomist and morphologist, head of the general anatomy department, teacher of high school, Major General of the Medical Service. He created a scientific morphological school that developed guidelines for the features of the morphology of the different species of a gunshot wound and the impact of extreme factors of the military working on the body brow-century. Under the leadership of E.A.Dyskin conducted research on. the status of collateral circulation, functional anatomy of the digestive system, craniology, histoty of military medicine and the Military Medical Academy.