Background and purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the reliability and validity for two new scales.
Methods: We used baseline data from a worksite health promotion project with 98 long-term care staff and Pearson correlations and Rasch analysis testing.
Results: For Staff Self-Efficacy for Function Focused Care and Staff Outcome Expectations for Function Focused Care item, reliability was .80 and .83, respectively. All items except one had acceptable INFIT and OUTFIT mean square statistics. Both new scales were significantly correlated (r = .342, p = .007), but neither of the scales were correlated with participants' baseline exercise levels (r = .014, p = .918; r = .092, p = .454, respectively).
Conclusions: There was some evidence of validity and internal consistency for both scales. Suggestions are provided to improve the measures for future use.
Keywords: long-term care; outcome expectations; role modeling; self-efficacy; staff function-focused care.
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