Knotless "Suture Staple" Technique for Endoscopic Partial Thickness Abductor Tendon Repair

Arthrosc Tech. 2018 Sep 1;7(10):e975-e980. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2018.06.002. eCollection 2018 Oct.


Transtendinous abductor tendon repair is a technique the authors described previously to diagnose and treat undersurface tears of the abductor tendons. In this surgical technique article, the authors describe a technique for knotless repair of undersurface tears of the abductor tendons that does not require a transtendinous split or suture passage through the abductor tendon. Because there is no suture passage through the abductor tendon or knot tying, the potential advantages include expeditious technique, compression of tendon against bony footprint, anatomic repair, and avoidance of knots facing the undersurface of the iliotibial band, which may lead to bursal irritation.