Objective: To understand the characteristics of HIV infected persons without long term disease progress [also known as long term non-progressors (LTNPs)], and related factors in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi). Methods: Data of persons living with HIV and receiving no antiretroviral therapy in Guangxi by the end of 2016 were collected from the national HIV/AIDS comprehensive control and prevention information system of China. Results: By the end of 2016, there were 313 LTNPs in Guangxi, accounting for 2.3% of those being reported for more than 10 years, 5.4% of those being reported for more than 10 years and surviving, and 26.6% of those being reported for more than 10 years, surviving and receiving no antiretroviral therapy. Among the LTNPs, 87.2%(273) were men, 94.9% (297) were aged ≤ 40 years, 32.3% (101) were farmers, 55.6% (174) were single, divorced or widowed, 69.3% (217) were of Han ethnic group, 68.1% (213) were injecting drug users, and 52.1% (163) were from custody facilities. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that factors associated with delayed disease progression included age ≤40 years (compared with age >40 years, aOR=1.55, 95%CI: 1.31-3.12) and injection drug use (compared with sexual transmission, aOR=1.23, 95%CI: 1.10-1.74). Conclusions: A number of LTNPs existed in HIV-infected individuals in Guangxi. Further research are needed to identify the related factors, and it is necessary to conduct large sample size studies on host immunology, genetics and the virology of HIV to explore the related mechanism.
目的: 了解广西壮族自治区(广西)HIV感染长期不进展者特征及相关因素。 方法: 利用艾滋病综合防治信息系统数据库,对截至2016年底,现住址在广西,存活的,且未经抗病毒治疗,病程尚未进展为AIDS的HIV感染者进行分析。 结果: 按纳入标准,截至2016年底,HIV感染长期不进展者313例,占报告时间>10年的2.3%,占报告时间>10年且现存活的5.4%,占报告时间>10年且现存活的未经抗病毒治疗HIV感染者的26.6%;HIV感染长期不进展者中男性占87.2%(273例)、报告年龄≤40岁占94.9%(297例)、农民占32.3%(101例)、单身、离异或丧偶占55.6%(174例)、汉族占69.3%(217例)、经注射吸毒感染占68.1%(213例)、来源于监管场所者占52.1%(163例);经多因素logistic回归分析,报告年龄≤40岁(与报告年龄>40岁相比,aOR=1.55,95%CI:1.31~3.12)、经注射吸毒感染(与经性传播相比,aOR=1.23,95%CI:1.10~1.74)是HIV感染长期不进展者的影响因素。 结论: 广西HIV感染长期不进展者存在一定比例,为进一步探究其规律,需开展大样本量宿主免疫学、遗传学及其病毒学等方面的深入研究。.
Keywords: HIV; Influence factor; Long-term non-progressor.