Delayed subaponeurotic fluid collections (DSFCs) are a recently described cause of idiopathic scalp swelling in young infants. Associated with traumatic birth and the use of vacuum-assisted devices or fetal scalp electrodes, DSFCs can be differentiated from similar causes of neonatal scalp swelling based on characteristic history and physical examination findings. In this article, we highlight 2 cases of young infants presenting to a pediatric emergency department with large, fluctuant scalp swellings, which were appropriately diagnosed as DSFCs; clinical data on an additional eight cases are presented in table format. In cases of isolated DSFCs in otherwise well-appearing infants, further laboratory work, imaging, subspecialty consultation, and child abuse investigation is not necessary. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of DSFCs presented reflect the clinical experience of the authors in conjunction with a review of the available medical literature on this topic.
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