Objective To compare the level of oxidative deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage (genotoxicity) between the offspring of mothers with and without diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy and its association with maternal body mass index (BMI). Methods We measured 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG), a marker of DNA oxidative damage, in venous umbilical cord plasma from newborns of mothers with (n=34) and without (n=56) diabetes diagnoses obtained during pregnancy. Two markers of oxidative stress - namely, nitric oxide degradation products (NOx) and total glutathione (GSH) - were quantified in both mothers and newborns. The effects of BMI, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), age and delivery mode were also analyzed. Results Newborns of mothers with diabetes during pregnancy exhibited higher levels of 8-OH-dG than those of mothers without diabetes (P<0.001). The other markers of oxidative stress were also higher in both mothers with diabetes and their newborns, with the exception of NOx in the mothers. The association of diabetes with 8-OH-dG was independent of other analyzed factors. Conclusion The offspring of mothers with diabetes during pregnancy are born with increased genotoxicity than the offspring of mothers without diabetes. BMI and HbA1c display an independent association with 8-OH-dG, particularly in the offspring of mothers not diagnosed with diabetes.
Keywords: 8-deoxi-guanosine; diabetes; neonatal; oxidative stress; pregnancy.