Surgical correction for Tessier number 7 craniofacial cleft using a medially overcorrected design

Arch Plast Surg. 2019 Jan;46(1):16-22. doi: 10.5999/aps.2018.01193. Epub 2019 Jan 15.


Background: Various surgical techniques have been used to correct Tessier number 7 craniofacial cleft, which involves macrostomia, ear deformity, and hemifacial microsomia. To achieve symmetrical and satisfactory results in patients with macrostomia, the authors performed a 1-mm medial overcorrection on the cleft side and evaluated the results of this procedure.

Methods: A retrospective medical record review of patients diagnosed with Tessier number 7 craniofacial cleft from March 1999 to February 2017 was performed. Using clinical photographs, outpatient clinic records, and operative records, information was recorded regarding concurrent congenital anomalies, postoperative complications, and follow-up. Using Photoshop CS2, the length of both sides of the lip was compared. The ratio of these lengths was calculated to evaluate lip symmetry.

Results: Of the patients treated at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Kyungpook National University Chilgok Hospital, 11 (male-to-female sex ratio, 7:4) were diagnosed with Tessier number 7 craniofacial cleft. Concurrent congenital anomalies included skin tag, hemifacial microsomia, and cleft palate. The mean duration of follow-up was 78.273±72.219 months and the mean ratio of the lengths of both sides of the lip was 1.048±0.071. Scar widening occurred as a postoperative complication in some patients. No cases of wound infection, bleeding, or wound dehiscence occurred.

Conclusions: For the successful correction of macrostomia, plastic surgeons should consider both functional and aesthetic problems of the lip. Adequate repair of the orbicularis oris muscle, skin closure with Z-plasty, and medial overcorrection of the neo-oral commissure led to good results in our patients.

Keywords: Macrostomia; Orofacial cleft 7; Surgical procedures, operative.