Despite its necessity for understanding healthy brain aging, the influence of exercise intensity on cerebrovascular kinetics is currently unknown. We, therefore characterized middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (MCAv) kinetics associated with two exercise intensities: low and moderate. We hypothesized that increasing exercise intensity would increase the MCAv amplitude response (Amp) and that age and estimated fitness (V̇O2max) would be related to Amp. Baseline (BL) values were collected for 90-seconds followed by a 6-minute exercise bout. Heart rate, end-tidal CO2, mean arterial pressure and MCAv were recorded throughout. MCAv kinetics were described by Amp, time delay (TD) and time constant (τ). Sixty-four adults completed the study. Amp was greater during moderate compared to low exercise intensity (p < 0.001) while no difference was observed in either TD (p = 0.65) or τ (p = 0.47). Amp was negatively associated with age (p < 0.01) and positively correlated with estimated V̇O2max (p < 0.01). Although Amp declines with age, maintaining higher V̇O2max may benefit the cerebrovascular response to exercise.
Keywords: Acute exercise; Aerobic fitness; Aging; Blood pressure; Cerebral blood flow velocity; Middle cerebral artery.
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