Background: Nursing faculty sought to promote students' engagement with course material and their peers by using Kaizen, an online educational game. The purpose of this qualitative study was to learn more about nursing students' perceptions of team competition in an educational game and whether the game promoted their engagement with educational material in one fundamental nursing course.
Method: Qualitative data collection included focus groups, observations of students, documents showing leaderboards and game participation, and "status of competition" e-mails. Data were transcribed and coded to determine emerging themes.
Results: Four themes emerged from data analysis: learning in teams, motivators to play, learning course content, and suggestions for game improvement.
Conclusion: Students were overwhelmingly positive about using a gamified platform for its educational rewards. They perceived that playing the game increased their knowledge retention, and they believed it helped them improve their test-taking skills. [J Nurs Educ. 2019;58(2):79-85.].
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