The Minimum Information Required for a Glycomics Experiment (MIRAGE) is an initiative created by experts in the fields of glycobiology, glycoanalytics and glycoinformatics to design guidelines that improve the reporting and reproducibility of glycoanalytical methods. Previously, the MIRAGE Commission has published guidelines for describing sample preparation methods and the reporting of glycan array and mass spectrometry techniques and data collections. Here, we present the first version of guidelines that aim to improve the quality of the reporting of liquid chromatography (LC) glycan data in the scientific literature. These guidelines cover all aspects of instrument setup and modality of data handling and manipulation and is cross-linked with other MIRAGE recommendations. The most recent version of the MIRAGE-LC guidelines is freely available at the MIRAGE project website doi:10.3762/mirage.4.
Keywords: data sharing; glycomics; guidelines; liquid chromatography.
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