The data-set presented in this data article is supplementary to the original publication, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.018 (Kirsch et al., 2018). Named article describes handedness-dependent organizational patterns of functional subunits within the human vestibular cortical network that were revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) connectivity parcellation. 60 healthy volunteers (30 left-handed and 30 right-handed) were examined on a 3T MR scanner using resting state fMRI. The multisensory (non-binary) nature of the human (vestibular) cortex was addressed by using masked binary and non-binary variations of independent component analysis (ICA). The data have been made publicly available via github (
Keywords: A1, Primary auditory cortex; ACC, Anterior cingulate cortex; BA, Brodmann areal; C, Common cluster; CSF, Cerebrospinal fluid; IC, Independent component; ICA, Independent component analysis; IPL, Inferior parietal lobule; L, Left; L-I, Laterality-index; LH, Left-handed; M/STG, Middle and superior temporal gyrus; M1, Primary motor cortex; MR, Magnetic resonance; MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging; MST, Medial superior temporal area; MSTd, Dorsal medial superior temporal area; MT, Middle temporal area; OP, Operculum; OP2, Operculum 2; P, Parcel; P-P, Parcel to parcel correlation; P-RSN, Parcel to resting state network correlation; PET, Positron emission tomography; PIVC, Parieto-insular vestibular cortex; R, Right; RH, Right-handed; ROI, Region of interest; RSN, Resting-state network; S1, Primary somatosensory cortex; SD, Standard deviation; SMA, Supplementary motor area; STG, Superior temporal gyrus; SVV, Subjective visual vertical; TP, Temporo-parietal; U, Unique voxel; V1–5, Primary, secondary and tertiary visual cortices; VOG, Video-oculography; VOR, Vestibular-ocular reflex; VPS, Visual posterior sylvian area; fCBP, Functional connectivity based parcellation.