Cognitive consequences in epilepsy are often described in the following domains: verbal memory, language, executive functions, and attention. Attention is involved in all cognitive activities, and attention disorders (AD) are reported in patients with various neurological diseases. This paper proposes to define the concept of AD and its assessment, to consider their determinants in epilepsy and potential therapies (drug or not). ADs are reported in new onset epilepsy, generalized epilepsy of presumed genetic origin, and in focal epilepsy. In focal epilepsy, alertness and divided attention impairment are observed and seem to improve after successful curative surgery. Additional studies are needed to assess the prevalence and nature of AD related to status epilepticus. In the field of therapeutic strategies, anti-epileptic drugs show an impact on AD. Effects of antidepressive drug therapy are not reported, as well as psychotherapy. Cognitive rehabilitation on AD is a promising therapeutic intervention but specific studies are needed to assess its efficacy.
Keywords: Attention; Epilepsy; Neuropsychology.
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