A fluorescent spot test method for specific detection of microbial beta-lactamases as previously published (K. C. S. Chen, J. S. Knapp, and K. K. Holmes, J. Clin. Microbiol. 19:818-825, 1984) was improved by the use of a fluorescence developer solution. The fluorescence developer solution used in this study consisted of 0.78 M sodium tartrate buffer containing 12% formaldehyde at a final pH of 4.5. An addition of 1 volume of fluorescence developer solution to 5 volumes of ampicillin or cephalex substrate solution incubated with beta-lactamase-producing organisms, followed by heating the mixture at 45 degrees C for 10 min resulted in enhancement of fluorescence of the end products of beta-lactamase activity. This provides a more sensitive assay for microbial beta-lactamases and offers the potential for direct detection of beta-lactamases in clinical specimens.