Objective: To understand the urology Match process from the perspective of residency program directors, with a particular focus on the role of postinterview communication. Recent surveys of urology applicants revealed that postinterview communication from programs often violates the rules of the American Urological Association Urology Residency Matching Program (the "Match"), and that such communication may influence applicant rank lists.
Methods: An anonymous, electronic survey seeking information regarding postinterview communication during the Match was sent to all program directors of urology residency programs participating in the 2017 AUA Match cycle.
Results: Of 138 surveys sent, 84 were completed for a 61% response rate. Among respondents, 97.6% percent of programs received postinterview communication from applicants, 76.2% of programs received an informal commitment from an applicant, and 38.3% failed to match an applicant who made an informal commitment. Most program directors (81.7%) responded that promises by applicants did not influence their rank list, and 57.1% state that participating in a second look does not have the potential to influence an applicant's rank order. Cumulatively, 76.2% of program directors felt that it was appropriate for applicants to cancel an interview if they provided 2 or more weeks' notice.
Conclusion: The current study suggests that urology program directors do not ascribe significant value to continued contact with applicants after the interview, regardless of whether such contact is in the form of postinterview communication or in the form of second-look visits.
Published by Elsevier Inc.