We describe a case report of a 56-year-old male with undiagnosed multiple myeloma who had severe sepsis associated with pneumonia, meningitis, polyarthritis, and osteomyelitis related to invasive "Haemophilus quentini" infection. The genus was misidentified as H. influenzae by the common bacterial identification systems including newly introduced syndromic PCR-based methods. We review the epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory aspects of this rare, cryptic species of Haemophilus.
Keywords: Biofire; FilmArray; Haemophilus; Immunosuppression; Influenzae; MALDI-TOF; Meningitis; Misidentification; Multiple myeloma; Nontypable; Osteomyelitis; PCR; Pneumonia; Polyarthritis; Quentini; VITEK2.
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