A new signal processing technique has been developed for resistive metal oxide (MOX) gas sensors to enable high-bandwidth measurements and enhanced selectivity at PPM levels (<5 PPM VOCs). An embedded micro-heater is thermally pulsed from a temperature of 225 to 350 °C, which enables the chemical reaction kinetics of the sensing film to be extracted using a fast Fourier transform. Signal processing is performed in real-time using a low-cost microcontroller integrated into a sensor module. Three sensors, coated with SnO₂, WO₃ and NiO respectively, were operated and processed at the same time. This approach enables the removal of long-term baseline drift and is more resilient to changes in ambient temperature. It also greatly reduced the measurement time from ~10 s to 2 s or less. Bench-top experimental results are presented for 0 to 200 ppm of acetone, and 0 ppm to 500 ppm of ethanol. Our results demonstrate our sensor system can be used on a mobile robot for real-time gas sensing.
Keywords: MOX; high-bandwidth; interactive mapping; mobile robot; thermal modulation.