Objective: To understand the characteristics of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Guangxi) with a purpose to accurately provide scientific basis for prevention and control measures, 2010-2017. Methods: Data were retrieved from case reporting cards of Guangxi during 2010 to 2017 through National HIV/AIDS Comprehensive Response Information Management System. Data was analyzed using epidemiological methods such number of cases, proportion and rate. χ(2) test was used for statistical analysis. Results: The HIV positive rate was 12.53 per ten thousand (85 182/67 959 000) in Guangxi during 2010 to 2017. The number of newly diagnosed HIV/AIDS cases and the number of death yearly respectively increased by 22.34%(2 602/11 648) and 32.83% (952/2 900) in 2011 compared with 2010, and both showed a six-year continuous downward trend (the number of newly diagnosed cases respectively 12 229 cases, 10 877 cases, 9 460 cases, 9 190 cases, 8 848 cases, 8 680 cases, and the number of death respectively 3 888 cases, 3 316 cases, 2 914 cases, 2 717 cases, 2 595 cases, 2 600 cases) from 2012 to 2017. But proportion of late discovery remained above 50.00% (50.53%-57.06%) for eight-years continuously. The ratio of male and female was 2.47 ∶ 1 (60 639/24 543). The ratio of males and females aged 50 and over was 2.71∶1 (28 654/10 557). Proportion of the cases in 25-49 years old group and 50 years old group accounting for 47.40%(40 377/85 182) and 46.03% (39 211/85 182) respectively. The occupation was farmers accounting for 68.40% (58 262/85 182), housekeeping, housework and unemployment accounting for 11.21% (9 546/85 182), student accounting for 0.86% (729/85 182). Heterosexual transmission accounted for 90.60% (77 171/85 182, homosexual transmission accounted for 3.13% (2 669/85 182), injection drug use transmission accounted for 4.60%(3 924/85 182) and mother-to-child transmission accounted for 0.73% (619/85 182). Conclusions: The number of newly diagnosed cases and the number of death yearly showed a continuous downtrend for six-years from 2012 to 2017. However, proportion of late discovery remained above 50.00% for eight-years. The major route of infection was heterosexual transmission. With the change of HIV/AIDS newly epidemic mode in Guangxi, there are many new challenges for HIV/AIDS prevention and control work. Strategy of targeted intervention modes should be innovated for a new breakthrough.
目的: 分析2010-2017年广西壮族自治区(广西)艾滋病流行病学特征,为制定精准防控措施和模式提供科学依据。 方法: 根据我国艾滋病综合防治数据信息管理系统下载2010-2017年HIV/AIDS报告历史卡片,采用例数、构成比和率等描述相关疫情特征,采用χ(2)检验法进行统计学分析。 结果: 2010-2017年广西HIV阳性率12.53/万(85 182/67 959 000),新发现HIV/AIDS病例和当年死亡病例数分别累计有85 182例和24 783例,2010-2011年分别增加了22.34%(新发现HIV/AIDS病例数从11 648例增加到14 250例)和32.83%(当年死亡病例数从2 900例增加到3 852例),2012-2017年均呈连续6年下降趋势(新发现HIV/AIDS病例数分别为12 229、10 877、9 460、9 190、8 848和8 680例;当年死亡数分别为3 888、3 316、2 914、2 717、2 595和2 600例);HIV/AIDS晚发现比例均>50.00%(50.53%~57.06%)。2012-2017年新发现病例的男女性别比为2.47∶1(60 639/24 543),≥50岁的男女性别比为2.71∶1(28 654/10 557)。25~49岁占47.40%(40 377/85 182),≥50岁占46.03%(39 211/85 182)。职业为农民占68.40%(58 262/85 182),家政、家务及待业占11.21%(9 546/85 182),学生占0.86%(729/85 182)。传播途径以异性性传播为主,占90.60%(77 171/85 182),男男性行为传播占3.13%(2 669/85 182),注射吸毒占4.60%(3 924/85 182),母婴传播占0.73%(619/85 182)。 结论: 2010-2017年广西新发现HIV/AIDS病例数和当年死亡数自2012年连续逐年下降,但是晚发现比例均>50.00%,传播途径以异性性传播为主。广西艾滋病流行模式面临新变化和新挑战,应创新防治策略和干预模式。.
Keywords: AIDS; Characteristics; Epidemiological; Newly diagnosed cases.