Backround and aims: To evaluate the management and the pregnancy outcomes of patients positive for anti-smooth muscle antibody (ASMA).
Methods: We retrospectively evaluated the pregnancy outcomes of the patients with ASMA positivity compared to patients without any known autoantibody positivity and/or autoimmune diseases. We have also evaluated the obstetric outcomes of the patients with ASMA positivity in terms of existence of MTHFR polymorphisms, other hereditery thrombophilias and other autoantibody positivities.
Resuls: In this study, 40 ASMA positive patient were evaluated and compared with 80 control cases. Gestational week at delivery, birthweight and APGAR scores for the 1st, 5th, 10th were significantly lower at patients with ASMA positivity (p< 0.01; p< 0.01; p< 0.01; p< 0.01; p: 0.030 respectively). Further analysis regarding to existence of additional risk factors revealed no significant difference between each pair of groups in terms of any obstetric outcome.
Conclusions: ASMA positivity may be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Keywords: Anti-smooth muscle antibody; autoantibodies; autoimmunity; high risk pregnancy.