Background: Myxoid melanoma is a rare variant of melanoma that must be recognised. Herein we describe a new metastatic case.
Patients and methods: A 78-year-old woman consulted for a firm, pinkish nodule measuring 25mm and present for six months on her left leg. Analysis of the biopsy revealed achromic fusiform tumour cells separated by large myxoid plaques. Labeling of SOX10, HMB45 and PS100 was diffuse and of moderate to strong intensity. A diagnosis of myxoid melanoma was considered, with Breslow thickness of 9mm. Surgery was carried out with a 2-cm margin and confirmed the diagnosis. Dermatological follow-up at one year revealed metastatic spread to the ganglia, pleura, liver and bone.
Discussion: Few cases of primary myxoid melanoma have been described, and the condition is probably underdiagnosed. The classic clinical presentation of this condition consists of a solitary achromic nodule found chiefly on the limbs. The microscopic appearance is relatively non-specific. Immunohistochemical analysis may indicate melanocytic involvement: cells exhibit expression of SOX10, diffuse expression of protein S100, and less consistent and more variable expression of HMB45. The increasingly common use of anti-SOX10 is of value since it is expressed in the nucleus of melanocytes. Mastocytes and TGF-ß secretion appear to be involved in myxoid stroma production. In the absence of specific codification, management of myxoid melanoma is comparable to that of other types of melanoma. There is uncertainty about the prognosis, with the involvement of TGF-ß possibly indicating the aggressive potential of this type of tumour.
Keywords: Melanoma; Myxoid melanoma; Mélanome; Mélanome myxoïde; SOX10.
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