The patient was a 79-year-old man. He underwent endoscopic papillectomy for ampullary cancer when he was 70 years old. At the ages of 71 and 73 years, liver metastasis in segment 6 was detected, and radiofrequency ablation(RFA)was performed and adjuvant chemotherapy(gemcitabine, S-1)was administered. At the age of 79 years, recurrence of liver metastasis appeared. Because there were no other metastatic lesions, we performed S6 subsegmentectomy. Five months after the surgery, no recurrence was observed. In general, the prognosis of patients with ampullary cancer with distant metastasis is very poor. This case suggested the efficacy of multidisciplinary treatment, including surgery, RFA, and chemotherapy, in a patient with ampullary cancer with distant metastasis.