Corrigendum to: "Systematic review of outcomes and complications in nonimplant-based mastopexy surgery" [J. Plast. Reconstr. Aesthet. Surg. 72 (2019) 243-272]
1 Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland; Canniesburn Plastic Surgery Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Electronic address: [email protected].
2 Department of Plastic, Reconstructive, Aesthetic, and Hand Surgery, Basel University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland.
3 Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland.
4 Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Policlinico di Modena, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.
5 Canniesburn Plastic Surgery Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.