Introduction Bangladesh has made significant strides in maternal and neonatal death by ensuring qualified antenatal care (ANC) visits during the pregnancy period of women. To ensure this qualified ANC, the government of Bangladesh has increased the number of qualified physicians and skilled birth attendants at health facilities and encouraged pregnant women to take this eligible ANC during pregnancy. Despite this progress, the majority of deliveries among rural women still occur at home, assisted by traditional birth attendants. These traditional birth attendants at home or even skilled birth attendants at the health facility or home are not always cable of helping women to overcome severe delivery complications. Proper birth preparation before pregnancy through qualified ANC might be a solution here. Taking advice for appropriate birth preparation from a qualified physician (medical doctor) would ensure qualified ANC. In this study, we examined how ANC from a qualified physician, as compared to other trained providers, influences rural women delivering at home to prepare for birth and reduces severe delivery complications. Methods The data of 1554 rural women who delivered at home were extracted from the 2014 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data. A mixed-effects logistic regression model was carried out for the binary delivery complications data, to assess the influence of qualified physicians as ANC providers on delivery complications by adjusting the effect of other socio-demographic covariates and clustering. Results Of the women from rural areas who delivered at home, 42% reported delivery complications. Those who received ANC from a qualified physician were 32% less likely (OR 0.68; 95% CI 0.50, 0.91) to report facing delivery complications as compared to those who had received ANC from other trained or unqualified providers adjusted by socio-demographic determinants in Bangladesh. Conclusions Developing a sustained and effective strategy could be a precedent for promoting ANC from qualified physicians for rural women delivering at home, to decrease delivery complications as well as creating healthy environments for safe deliveries.
Keywords: antenatal care; delivery complications; demographic health survey; home delivery; mixed effect; qualified physician; rural women.