Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins represent a novel class of biopharmaceuticals, with the potential to increase the therapeutic index of cytokine 'payloads' and to promote leukocyte infiltration at the site of disease. In this review, we present a survey of immunocytokines that have been used in preclinical models of cancer and in clinical trials. In particular, we highlight how antibody format, choice of target antigen and cytokine engineering, as well as combination strategies, may have a profound impact on therapeutic performance. Moreover, by using anti-inflammatory cytokines, antibody fusion strategies can conveniently be employed for the treatment of auto-immune and chronic inflammatory conditions.
Keywords: Antibody-fusion proeins; Cancer; Chronic inflammation; Cytokines; Immunemodulation; Immunocytokines; Immunotherapy; Targeted delivery.
Copyright © 2019. Published by Elsevier B.V.