The Economic Impact of a Foodborne Disease Outbreak Due to Staphylococcus aureus

J Food Prot. 1988 Nov;51(11):898-900. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X-51.11.898.


The economic cost of a Staphylococcus aureus outbreak involving over 100 persons was estimated. About 41% of the expenditure was borne by the affected persons which includes, loss of wages or productivity loss and other expenses. The cost of hospitalization, laboratory investigations, etc., was 43%. Educative and preventive measures would considerably reduce the economic cost of the outbreaks which are very high for a developing economy. A comparison of the economic cost calculated on the basis of percent of per capita income with that of a similar outbreak in the United States indicated that the cost of a foodborne disease outbreak is higher in India than in the United States.