Introduction: An adequate immunization of the health care workers is essential for infection prevention and control, to avoid consequences not only for them, but for all patients that the health care workers could infect causing serious damage and / or death. Unfortunately, to date, despite the presence of international and national guidelines (Law Decree 119/2017), the vaccination coverage was low, also because of the "vaccine hesitancy" spread among the same health care workers. In light of the above, the aim of our study was to investigate the vaccination coverage of healthcare workers of all the operational units present in our hospital and to evaluate differences between sex, age, professional profile and area of work.
Materials and methods: A study was conducted from March to June 2018 to investigate the vaccination coverage of healthcare workers at the University hospital "G. Martino" of Messina; data were collected using a self-completion questionnaire based on Attachment 3 of Ministerial Circular 25233 of 18 August 2017. We verified any possible association between physicians and pediatricians and between age classes by the chi square method. Also, a logistic regression was used for each vaccination, considering the vaccination as the variable and the following covariates: type of operative unit, sex, age and area) in order to predict the probability of vaccination.
Results: We analyzed a sample of 822 health care workers (324 males and 498 females with an age of 49.5 ± 10.5 SD). The sample was made up of physicians (36%), nurses (21%) and other professional categories (43%). Analyzing the data we obtained vaccination coverages lower than the target required to guarantee "herd immunity"; higher vaccination coverages were found for females, physicians and the clinical area and - for influenza vaccination - in the older age groups and - for all the other vaccinations - in the younger groups.
Conclusion: Data analysis revealed a lax attitude towards vaccinations by health care workers and the need for measures aimed at increasing vaccination their coverage to prevent them from becoming a source of dangerous outbreaks.
Keywords: Coverage; Healthcare workers; Vaccine; Vaccine hesitancy.