Purpose: There are limited data on neoappendicostomy complications owing to small patient populations. This study compares appendicostomy and neoappendicostomy procedures with an emphasis on major postoperative complications requiring either a surgical or interventional radiology procedure.
Method: A single-institution retrospective review included all patients with complete medical charts in the Cincinnati Children's Colorectal Database who underwent either an appendicostomy or neoappendicostomy from August 2005 through December 2016. Demographics, details of the procedure, and major postoperative complications were evaluated.
Results: 261 patients (appendicostomy n = 208, neoappendicostomy n = 53) with a median follow up time of 2.5 years resulted in 84 patients (appendicostomy n = 60, neoappendicostomy n = 24) experiencing a total of 118 complications requiring surgical or radiologic intervention with a significant difference between the groups (29% vs 45%, RR = 1.79 (95% CI: 1.24-2.60), p < 0.01). Skin level stricture was the most common complication (20% appendicostomies vs 30% neoappendicostomies, p = 0.13).
Conclusions: Appendicostomies and neoappendicostomies can be an effective way to manage fecal incontinence; however, 32% of our patients experienced a complication that required either a surgical or interventional radiology procedure. Patients need to be informed of the possible complications that are associated with appendicostomy and neoappendicostomy construction.
Type of study: Single institution retrospective review.
Level of evidence: IV.
Keywords: ACE; Antegrade continent enema; Appendicostomy; Complication; Fecal incontinence; MACE; Malone; NeoMalone; Neoappendicostomy.
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