Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has already been widely used in medical image processing. We recently make another trial to implement convolutional neural network (CNN) on the classification of pulmonary nodules of thoracic CT images. The biggest challenge in medical image classification with the help of CNN is the difficulty of acquiring enough samples, and overfitting is a common problem when there are not enough images for training. Transfer learning has been verified as reasonable in dealing with such problems with an acceptable loss value. We use the classic LeNet-5 model to classify pulmonary nodules of thoracic CT images, including benign and malignant pulmonary nodules, and different malignancies of the malignant nodules. The CT images are obtained from Lung Image Database Consortium and Image Database Resource Initiative (LIDC-IDRI) where both pulmonary nodule scanning and nodule annotations are available. These images are labeled and stored in a medical images knowledge base (KB), which is designed and implemented in our previous work. We implement the 10-folder cross validation (CV) to testify the robustness of the classification model we trained. The result demonstrates that the transfer learning of the LeNet-5 is good for classifying pulmonary nodules of thoracic CT images, and the average values of Top-1 accuracy are 97.041% and 96.685% respectively. We believe that our work is beneficial and has potential for practical diagnosis of lung nodules.
Keywords: CNN; Classification; Pulmonary nodule; Thoracic CT; Transfer learning.