Design of two spherical mirror unobscured relay telescopes using nodal aberration theory

Opt Express. 2019 Apr 15;27(8):11205-11226. doi: 10.1364/OE.27.011205.


Nodal aberration theory is used to calculate the third-order aberrations that result in image blur for an unobscured modified 4f relay (2f1 + 2f2) formed by two tilted spherical mirrors for objects at infinity (infinite conjugate) and near the front focal plane of the first mirror (finite conjugate). The field-averaged wavefront variance containing only non-rotationally symmetric aberration coefficients is then proposed as an optimization metric. Analytical and ray tracing optimization are demonstrated through sample designs. The particular cases of in-plane and orthogonal folding of the optical axis ray are discussed, followed by an analysis of a modified 2f1 + 2f2 relay in which the distance of the first mirror to the object or pupil is allowed to vary for aberration correction. The sensitivity of the infinite conjugate 2f1 + 2f2 relay to the input marginal ray angle is also examined. Finally, the optimization of multiple conjugate systems through a weighted combination of wavefront variances is proposed.