Background: Ganglioneuroma is a well-differentiated benign tumor that develops from the ganglion cells of the posterior mediastinum, retroperitoneum, cervical spine, and adrenal glands. The paravertebral body, in which the sympathetic trunk exists, is a common tumor site, and tumor sometimes invades the spinal canal through the intervertebral foramen. There have been no reports regarding tumors with intradural and extradural continuity. We report a paravertebral ganglioneuroma extending between the intradural and extradural spaces and its surgical treatment.
Case description: A 33-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with progressive left lower limb numbness. A dumbbell-type tumor progressing to the spinal canal via the left intervertebral foramen from the paravertebral body at L1-2 was detected, and intradural calcified lesions were found. Pathologic examination of a computed tomography-guided biopsy sample revealed a ganglioglioma. The extradural tumor was removed; however, the left lower limb pain gradually worsened. As complete block was observed on myelography, the intradural tumor was removed 8 months later. Intraoperative findings revealed that the intradural and extradural tumors were continuous through the L1 nerve root.
Conclusions: This is the first known reported case of paravertebral ganglioneuroma presenting in continuity between the intradural and extradural spaces.
Keywords: Ganglioneuroma; Lumbar; Paravertebral body.
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