A real-time quantitative PCR assay using a species-specific primer pair was developed to rapidly and accurately quantify Valsa mali, the causative pathogen of apple Valsa canker (AVC), in crabapple seeds, crabapple seedlings, apple twigs and apple seeds. Surveys were conducted in different regions, and crabapple or apple seeds were collected for V. mali detection by qPCR assay. Our results showed that 12.87% to 49.01% of crabapple seeds collected from different regions were positive for V. mali. The exopleura and endopleura were the two major areas of V. mali infection in crabapple seeds. The presence of V. mali infection in crabapple seeds was also confirmed by a high-throughput sequencing approach. With the growth of crabapple seedlings, the concentration of V. mali gDNA in crabapple seedlings gradually increased until eight or more leaf blades emerged. One-year-old twigs from an apple scion nursery were infected with V. mali, and only apple seeds from infected apple trees showing evident Valsa canker symptoms carried V. mali. In conclusion, this study reports that crabapple seeds and apple seeds carried V. mali as latent inoculum sources. V. mali infected not only apple tissues but also crabapple seedlings, which are the rootstocks of apple trees. This study indicated that the inoculum sources for AVC vary. Application of a novel qPCR assay can potentially improve the accuracy of early diagnosis, and is helpful to reveal the epidemic regularity of AVC.