Clinical issue: Acute strokes caused by tandem occlusions include an atherosclerotic or dissective stenosis/occlusion of the extracranial internal carotid artery (eICA) in combination with an intracranial vessel occlusion.
Standard treatment: Endovascular treatment can be technically challenging but is definitely superior to intravenous thrombolysis alone and achieves good clinical results comparable to those from solitary intracranial occlusions.
Latest study results: Although there are still no prospectively randomized studies on endovascular treatment for tandem occlusions, currently available data favor acute stenting of the eACI followed by intracranial thrombectomy.
Purpose of the article: This review discusses endovascular treatment options for tandem occlusions based on currently available data.
Keywords: Carotid stenosis; Endovascular procedures; Intracerebral hemorrhage; Mechanical thrombectomy; Stenting.