The aim of this study was to assess inter-and intra-grader agreement with the use of digital scanning and a tooth preparation assessment software program in comparison to the current traditional visual grading method in a dental student simulation laboratory. Students' typodont teeth preparations from previous practical examinations were used (cast crown n=50; cast fixed partial denture abutments n=50). Five preclinical instructors received calibration training and evaluated each of the preparations by the traditional visual grading method using a rubric. The same preparations were assessed by the same instructors using a tooth preparation assessment software program (PrepCheck, Sirona). The results showed that intra-grader agreement was significantly higher when grades were determined by PrepCheck compared to the traditional visual grading method. The traditional method was associated with significantly greater inter-grader disagreement in comparison to grading using PrepCheck (p<0.05). When the average final grade for students' crown preparations by each grader was compared for the traditional method and PrepCheck, significant differences were found for all graders (p<0.001). In this study, the use of the PrepCheck software program greatly improved intra-and inter-grader agreement during grading in a student simulation laboratory. Digital technology may improve the objectivity and reliability of assessments by preclinical evaluators.
Keywords: assessment; calibration; dental education; digital grading; educational technology; interrater agreement; preclinical education; prosthodontics; tooth preparation.