Background: Understanding the impact of asthma is the key to optimal care.
Objective: To determine the physical, economic, and social impact of asthma from the perspectives of individual patients in Nigeria.
Methods: This was a multicenter study of 172 adult asthma patients attending tertiary hospitals. We assessed the different impact of asthma in the preceding 12 months using a questionnaire. Physical impact (such as daily activity/chores, sport/exercise, and sleep quality), social impact (such as job loss, mental anguish, employer, and peers discrimination) and economic impact (like savings, indebtedness, mortgage/asset, and school or work absence).
Results: The physical, social and economic impacts were perceived by 59.3%, 47.7%, and 51.2% of patients, respectively. The physical impacts were poor sleep (44.2%), limitation of daily activity/chores (38.4%), and sporting/exercise (39.5%). The economic impacts were reduced savings (38.4%) and indebtedness (17.4%). Absence from school and work were respectively reported by 75% of students and 38.3% of workers. Socially, 34.9% reported mental torture, 10.5% changed job, 4.7% experienced discrimination and 3.5% lost their jobs due to asthma. Asthma-related emergency department visit was 42% and hospitalization was 32.6%. The physical impact was associated with non-adherence to ICS and persistent asthma symptoms. Economic impact was associated with asthma hospitalization, work absenteeism, comorbidity, and National Health Insurance (NHIS) coverage. Male sex and lack of post-secondary education were associated with social impact.
Conclusion: Asthma causes broad and substantial physical and socioeconomic impacts in our sample of patients. Exploring these impacts and engaging the patient is imperative for holistic management and good health outcomes.
Keywords: Asthma; Nigeria; burden; impact; patients.