Objective: To explore the feasibility and effectiveness of radial collateral artery polyfoliate perforator flap in repair of resurfacing soft tissue defect of hand.
Methods: Between September 2017 and September 2018, the radial collateral artery polyfoliate perforator flaps were transplanted to repair 5 cases of two adjacent wounds of hand and wide or irregular wounds. All patients were male, aged from 27 to 52 years, with an average of 42.5 years. The time from injury to admission was 4 hours to 3 weeks, with an average of 7.3 days. Causes of injury included traffic accident in 2 cases, crushing injury in 2 cases, and paint injection injury in 1 case. The wounds were located at the dorsum of hand in 3 cases, the dorsum of finger in 1 case, and the thumb and thumb web in 1 case. The area of wound ranged from 8 cm×6 cm to 10 cm×8 cm. The area of skin flap ranged from 6.0 cm×3.0 cm to 11.0 cm×4.5 cm, all of which carried the posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm, and the donor site was closed directly.
Results: All flaps survived and healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 3-11 months (mean, 6.5 months). The patients were satisfied with the appearance of hands. The flaps were not bulky, and the color and texture were similar to the hand. There was only linear scar in the donor site, no radial nerve injury occurred, and elbow joint function was not affected. One patient underwent finger-splitting and skin flap thinning at 6 months after operation.
Conclusion: The radial collateral artery polyfoliate perforator flap is a good method for repairing two adjacent wounds and wide or irregular wounds of hand.
目的: 探讨桡侧副动脉分叶穿支皮瓣修复手部创面的可行性与疗效。.
方法: 2017 年 9 月—2018 年 9 月,采用桡侧副动脉分叶穿支皮瓣修复手部邻近 2 个创面或宽大、不规则创面 5 例。患者均为男性;年龄 27~52 岁,平均 42.5 岁。受伤至入院时间为 4 h~3 周,平均 7.3 d。致伤原因:交通事故伤 2 例,碾压伤 2 例,油漆高压注射伤 1 例。创面位于手背 3 例,指背 1 例,拇指和虎口 1 例。创面范围为 8 cm×6 cm~10 cm×8 cm。皮瓣切取范围为 6.0 cm×3.0 cm~11.0 cm×4.5 cm,均携带臂后侧皮神经。供区创面直接闭合。.
结果: 术后皮瓣顺利成活,创面均Ⅰ期愈合。患者均获随访,随访时间 3~11 个月,平均 6.5 个月。患者对手部外观满意,皮瓣无臃肿,颜色、质地与手部接近。供区仅遗留线性瘢痕,无桡神经损伤发生,肘关节功能无影响。1 例患者于术后 6 个月行分指、皮瓣削薄术。.
结论: 桡侧副动脉分叶穿支皮瓣是一种修复手部邻近 2 个创面或宽大、不规则创面的较好方法。.
Keywords: Perforator flap; hand; polyfoliate flap; radial collateral artery; wound repair.