Due to the unique selective pressures and extreme changes faced by the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum throughout its life cycle, the parasite has evolved distinct features to alter its gene expression patterns. Along with classical gene regulation by transcription factors (TFs), of which only one family, the AP2 TFs, has been described in the parasite genome, a large body of evidence points toward chromatin structure and epigenetic factors mediating the changes in gene expression associated with parasite life cycle stages. These attributes may be critically important for immune evasion, host cell invasion and development of the parasite in its two hosts, the human and the Anopheles vector. Thus, the factors involved in the maintenance and regulation of chromatin and epigenetic features represent potential targets for antimalarial drugs. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms in P. falciparum that regulate chromatin structure, nucleosome landscape, the 3-dimensional structure of the genome and additional distinctive features created by parasite-specific genes and gene families. We review conserved traits of chromatin in eukaryotes in order to highlight what is unique in the parasite.
Keywords: chromatin structure; epigenetics; gene regulation; malaria; transcription.
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