Endometriosis is a curious pathology that has been the topic of many international publications. Its etiology remains mysterious but seems to have multiple causes. It is a complex disease whose lesions are very heterogeneous in where they can occur (deep endometriosis, superficial, ovarian cyst), extent, associated symptoms, evolution or aggressiveness of the disease, and response to treatments. Furthermore, it evolves in pushes, remains autonomous, and is responsible for both superficial and deep lesions that explain its two most well know challenges: pain and infertility. It has always been classified by the size of its anatomical lesions-Acosta classification (1), revised by the American fertility society (AFS) (2), and the American society of reproductive medicine (ASRM) classification with a description of the disease at different stages: minimal (score of 1 to 5), mild (3-12), moderate (16 to 40), and severe (>40) (13). If this classification provides a complete repertoire of implants (anatomic) (10), the attribution of points is arbitrary. In fact, the size of the lesions is not synonymous with the difficulty to treat them surgically. Their location, if deep, is larger than the size of ovarian endometriomas. In addition, small anatomical but evaluative lesions will have a larger impact than big fibrous and stable lesions (Figure 1). Thus, attempts to explain their inflammatory side effects have been proposed (14, 15). The French classification nodule, ovaries, adhesions, tube, and inflammation (FOATI) (10) has had the merit of taking this phenomenon into account. In our opinion, we must go much further and propose an amendment in this classification, taking into account the evolution of the lesions and their deep molecular biology because in reality, the lesions are not at the same stage.
Keywords: AFS classification; breast cancer; endometriosis; genotype; phenotype.