The measurement of angularly resolved energy distributions of mega-electron-volt electrons is important for gaining a better understanding of the interaction of ultra-intense laser pulses with plasma, especially for fast-ignition laser-fusion research. It is also crucial when evaluating the production of suprathermal (several 10-keV) electrons through laser-plasma instabilities in conventional hot-spot-ignition and shock-ignition research. For these purposes, we developed a 10-in. manipulator-based multichannel electron spectrometer-the Osaka University electron spectrometer (OU-ESM)-that combines angular resolution with high-energy resolution. The OU-ESM consists of five small electron spectrometers set at every 5°, with an energy range from ∼40 keV to ∼40 MeV. A low-magnetic-field option provides a higher spectral resolution for an energy range of up to ∼5 MeV. We successfully obtained angularly resolved electron spectra for various experiments on the OMEGA and OMEGA EP laser systems.