Purpose: The purpose of this study was to report mature clinical and cosmetic results of accelerated partial-breast irradiation with interstitial multicatheter high-dose-rate brachytherapy (HDR-BRT) in patients with early breast cancer.
Methods and materials: 133 patients were recruited in a Phase II trial of exclusive HDR-BRT. Inclusion criteria were age ≥40 years, PS 0-2, unifocal invasive ductal cancer, intraductal cancer component <25%, negative axillary nodes, and tumor size ≤2.5 cm. Treatment schedule was 4 Gy twice a day up to a total dose of 32 Gy in eight fractions.
Results: Median age was 67 years (range, 42-85). There were 7 (5%) pT1a, 48 (36%) pT1b, 72 (54%) pT1c, and 6 (5%) pT2. Estrogen and progesterone receptors were positive in 119 (89%) and 93 (70%) patients, respectively. The median followup was 110 months (range, 12-163). After HDR-BRT, there were 3 (2%) in-field breast recurrences and 1 (1%) out-field breast recurrence. 5 (4%) patients developed contralateral breast cancer, another one (1%) isolated regional relapse in axillary node and 3 (2%) distant progression of disease. 19 (14%) patients reported a second primary cancer. 5-, 10-, and 13-year overall survival and cancer-specific survival were 95% and 100%, 84.5% and 100%, and 81.4% and 100%, respectively. Cosmetic outcome was excellent in 80% of cases. Late toxicity was significantly related to the skin administered doses (≤55% vs. > 55% of the prescribed dose, p < 0.05).
Conclusions: Accelerated partial-breast irradiation delivered with HDR-BRT in selected patients with breast cancer was associated to high local control and survival with excellent cosmetic outcomes overall when skin dose was ≤55%.
Keywords: Cosmetic outcome; High-dose-rate brachytherapy; Long-term results; Partial-breast irradiation; Skin toxicity.
Copyright © 2019 American Brachytherapy Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.