In mid-August, 1986, a 50-year-old man underwent a detailed examination following the finding of a tumor in the upper abdominal region. The tumor was revealed to be a sigmoid colon cancer with multiple metastasis to both halves of the liver. Subsequent administration of FT-207 suppositories (750 mg X 2/day) resulted in a recognizable shrinkage of the metastatic lesions in the liver after one month, and a barium enema a month later indicated a decrease in the size of the original tumor. The pre-operative CEA value was 2,317 ng/ml, but this has reduced to 46.7 ng/ml to date March, 1987. In this report of single chemotherapy treatment with FT-207 of a sigmoid colon cancer involving metastasis to the liver, the prognosis obtained for the original and hepatic lesions has been good, and the patient's course to date healthy.