Sigmoid volvulus is very uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction in pediatrics population withhigh rate of mortality. To date, few cases of sigmoid volvulus in children and association with several condition has been reported in literature, of them very few cases are with mental disability. We report a challenged (mentally disabled) 14-year old adolescent boy presented asan emergency with feature of complete bowel obstruction. Abdominal X-rays shows dilated loop of large bowel with inverted U shaped. Volvulus of sigmoid colon was found during laparotomy and successfully managed with resection of a redundant colon with colocolic end to end anastomosis. Sigmoid volvulus is relatively uncommon in children as compared to adults. Surgeons should be attentive of this rare entity, cause of large bowel obstruction to allow for early diagnosis and to enable better patient outcomes by reducing the morbidity and mortality.
Keywords: Adolescent; Bowel obstruction; Case report; Mentally disabled; Sigmoid volvulus.