Purpose: To present our experience in Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) as the only option to restore vision after severe ocular dog bite injuries.
Methods: We describe our results in OOKP performed in two patients with previous severe dog bite facial injuries that required exenteration of one eye and facial reconstruction.
Results: Both cases achieved initially successful anatomical and visual outcome; however, one case suffered retinal detachment after one year. Buccal mucosa (BM) ulcerations and tilted lamina were present as a result of extraocular muscles loss, and both were difficult to treat.
Conclusion: OOKP has the capability to restore vision in the most challenging cases of ocular trauma; however, refractory BM ulcerations and tilted lamina could be expected as a result of an ischemic ocular surface and orbital pulleys loss.
Keywords: Dog bite ocular injury; Keratoprosthesis; Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis.