Background: Bone ageing is governed by the linked activities of short-lived osteoblasts and osteoclasts in conjunction with long-lived osteocytes present in osseous structure. Besides their maintenance function, osteogenic cells also gain specific positional information, which may potentially trigger ageing-associated cellular deviations in terminally differentiated osteocytes differently in cranial versus postcranial tissues.
Methods: We therefore investigated bone taken from deceased aged humans explanted at five distinct anatomical positions throughout the body and assessed physical and biological determinants applying radiologic and histologic measures.
Results: We were able to show that significantly more osteocytes reside in aged cortical bone at cranial positions than within axial or limb skeleton. These cellular states and conditions were not found in the corresponding trabecular bone, where osteocyte numbers remain also high at postcranial positions. Parallel comparative analyses of bone microstructure as analyzed by means of computer tomography showed no significant differences.
Conclusions: Considering differences and commonalities regarding the bone samples, such as loading, mechanisms of ossification or the surrounding stromal cell compartment, our findings indicate that positional information laid down during ontogenetic processes is instructive during the entire life thus potentially also moulding spatial-specific mechanistic distinctions of bone ageing.
Keywords: Ageing; Bone morphometry; Bone quality; Micro ct; Osteocyte density; Positional information; Regeneration.
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