Recently several OECD test guidelines were updated to include thyroid hormone measurements for assessing endocrine disruptor potency, which led to an imperative need to align interpretation of these results by the different stakeholders. We therefore evaluated 124 repro screening studies, which showed in 38% of the studies a statistical significant finding for T4 in at least one treatment group, probably due to disturbances of normal homeostasis causing high variation. Consequently, for a thorough evaluation it is extremely important to take the historical control range into account. In conclusion, the current testing approach is not providing specific information needed to assess endocrine disruption, as too often a statistical significant finding is noted and as down-stream adverse effects are not evaluated. Therefore, major modifications are urgently needed. Instead of extending the in vivo experiments, it should be investigated if in vitro assessments will provide more relevant information on human endocrine disruptor potential.
Keywords: Endocrine disruption; OECD 421; OECD 422; Regulatory toxicology; Repro screening; T4; TSH; Thyroid hormone.
Copyright © 2019. Published by Elsevier Inc.