Aim: To investigate the influence of the intranasal AlaxoLito Plus Nasal Stent during exercise on nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, NO exhalation, red blood cell (RBC) deformability and oxygen uptake.
Methods: Parameters were measured before and after acute cycle ergometer test at different intensities. Spirometric, microrheological and NO parameters were determined for oral (OB), nasal (NB) and nasal-stent breathing (SB). RBC deformability was measured and elongation indices for 3.87 Pa and maximal deformability were calculated. RBC/plasma/exhaled NO, oxygen uptake and respiratory rate were determined.
Results: Exhaled NO was higher at rest during OB compared to SB and NB and decreased after exercise with NB and SB. Plasma and RBC NO remained unaltered during intervention. RBC deformability increased at moderate intensity during SB. Deformability decreased at moderate and medium intensity with NB. Respiratory rate for same oxygen uptake did not differ between breathing settings.
Conclusion: The AlaxoLito Plus Nasal Stent may modulate deformability during moderate exercise and increase NO exhalation without major effects on oxygen uptake and performance.
Keywords: Breathing performance; Haemorheology; Nitric oxide metabolism; Stent application.
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