Background and objectives: Brainstem gliomas are relatively rare tumours of the central nervous system which have varying presentations and clinical course. This study aims to analyse the clinical profile and challenges of management of these tumours in a resource-limited country.
Methiods: We retrospectively analysed the data from the records of the patients managed for briainstem glioma between January 2010 and July 2017.
Results: There were 11 patients in the study (7 males and 4 females). The median age at diagnosis was 9 years. Eight of the patients were less than 15 years. The duration of symptoms ranged from 1 month to 2 years. All the patients had cranial nerve deficits at presentation, while 7 patients had cerebellar signs. Hydrocephalus was present in 4 patients. The lesion was pontine in 9 patients and tectal in 2. Three of the patients with hydrocephalus had ventriculoperitoneal shunt insertion while one patient refused surgery. Only one of the patients had radiotherapy. None of the patients received chemotherapy. A patient was dishcarged against medical advice. One patient is still alive after 4 years while another patient is alive after 2 years. The other 9 patients are dead with a mean survival period of 6 months.
Concclusion: Most of the tumours in this series were located in the pons and ran aggressive courses. Majority of our patients did not have access to radiotherapy while none had chemotherapy.