Diffuse low-grade glioma form a rare entity affecting young people. Despite advances in surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, diffuse low-grade glioma are still incurable. According to current guidelines, maximum safe resection, when feasible, is the first line of treatment. Apart from surgery, all other treatment modalities (temozolomide, procarbazine-CCNU-vincristine regimen, and radiation therapy) are handled very differently among different teams, and this in spite of recent results of several phase 3 studies. Based on a European survey, this paper aimed to get a picture of this heterogeneity in diffuse low-grade glioma management, to identify clinically relevant questions raised by this heterogeneity of practice, and to propose new methodological frameworks to address these questions.
Keywords: GLIOCOM; diffuse low-grade glioma; evidence-based medicine; surgery; survey.