Laboratory mice are used to identify causes of urinary dysfunction including prostate-related mechanisms of lower urinary tract symptoms. Effective use of mice for this purpose requires a clear understanding of molecular, cellular, anatomic, and endocrine contributions to voiding function. Whether the prostate influences baseline voiding function has not been specifically evaluated, in part because most methods that alter prostate mass also change circulating testosterone concentrations. We performed void spot assay and cystometry to establish a multiparameter "baseline" of voiding function in intact male and female 9-wk-old (adult) C57BL/6J mice. We then compared voiding function in intact male mice to that of castrated male mice, male (and female) mice treated with the steroid 5α-reductase inhibitor finasteride, or male mice harboring alleles (Pbsn4cre/+; R26RDta/+) that significantly reduce prostate lobe mass by depleting prostatic luminal epithelial cells. We evaluated aging-related changes in male urinary voiding. We also treated intact male, castrate male, and female mice with exogenous testosterone to determine the influence of androgen on voiding function. The three methods used to reduce prostate mass (castration, finasteride, and Pbsn4cre/+; R26RDta/+) changed voiding function from baseline but in a nonuniform manner. Castration feminized some aspects of male urinary physiology (making them more like intact female mice) while exogenous testosterone masculinized some aspects of female urinary physiology (making them more like intact male mice). Our results provide evidence that circulating testosterone is responsible in part for baseline sex differences in C57BL/6J mouse voiding function while prostate lobe mass in young, healthy adult mice has a lesser influence.
Keywords: animal model; cystometry; lower urinary tract symptoms; void spot assay.