V2-Specific Antibodies in HIV-1 Vaccine Research and Natural Infection: Controllers or Surrogate Markers

Vaccines (Basel). 2019 Aug 6;7(3):82. doi: 10.3390/vaccines7030082.


Most human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine trials have lacked efficacy and empirical vaccine lead targets are scarce. Thus far, the only independent correlate of reduced risk of HIV-1 acquisition in humans is elevated levels of V2-specific antibodies identified in the modestly protective RV144 vaccine trial. Ten years after RV144, human and non-human primate vaccine studies have reassessed the potential contribution of V2-specific antibodies to vaccine efficacy. In addition, studies of natural HIV-1 infection in humans have provided insight into the development of V1V2-directed antibody responses and their impact on clinical parameters and disease progression. Functionally diverse anti-V2 monoclonal antibodies were isolated and their structurally distinct V2 epitope regions characterized. After RV144, a plethora of research studies were performed using different model systems, immunogens, protocols, and challenge viruses. These diverse studies failed to provide a clear picture regarding the contribution of V2 antibodies to vaccine efficacy. Here, we summarize the biological functions and clinical findings associated with V2-specific antibodies and discuss their impact on HIV vaccine research.

Keywords: HIV-1; V2 antibodies; correlates of disease progression; correlates of protection; functional immune response; immunogenicity; natural infection; non-human primates; vaccine design.

Publication types

  • Review